Our family tradition is every year sometime after Thanksgiving either Friday or Saturday to go to a tree farm and get our Christmas tree. We like to wonder around and pick out the perfect family tree. Last year at the tree farm we have been going to their were none that were perfect enough to cut down ourselves so we had to buy one out of the barn. This year we went again on Saturday which was 50+ degrees and beautiful out. Because of all the rain on Tuesday and Wed. they had standing water around the white pine trees which is what we buy. We looked and looked and found two OK ones and found another that everyone liked but Alivia. So we went back to the the other two and Darryl and I vetoed them in comparison to the third tree that all liked but Alivia. So we walked back to it. It was not the "perfect" tree but it was fat, tall and white pine. So Alivia gave in and we cut it down.
Now the reason we raised our ceilings back up from 8ft. to the original 1900 height of 10 foot is so that Darryl could have a taller tree. This one is taller then the one last year and almost touches the ceiling. We carried it slowly to pay for it and they let us know that they can not put it in the shaker because it is so big it might break it....darn! But the needles are soft so fine. We pay for it load it up and head home.
Saturday was a busy day and I was not in the Christmas Tree decorating mood so I waited until last night to do it. The kids helped me and here is our Christmas tree for 2009.
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