Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hot Air Balloon Festival

This weekend we packed up the family and headed back for the last time in a while to Indianola,IA to see our friends the Sullivan's. We planned on going this weekend because starting on Friday was the Indinaola Hot Air Balloon Festival. Indianola is home to the National Hot Air Balloon Museum(now if this answer is ever on Jeopardy you know the answer). We got there Friday night around 5:30pm. While we were eating we could see some of the balloons which had taken off at 6:30pm for the night ascension. It was a nice thing to see. Then Friday night at dusk they were doing the night glow. This in tells the balloons being on the ground but lighting up. So we get there around 8:45pm and cars were leaving. We thought it's not even dark yet whats the deal!!! We asked someone and we had missed it (thanks Sherry :) there was maybe some storms coming in so they did it earlier then dusk. Bummer!! But the next night we went over for the 6:30pm ascension and here are some of the pics I got from it. It was so beautiful. The purple one is called the Purple People Eater. And the spaceship didn't fly that night it was so huge and I'm glad they kept it blown up for awhile.

If you ever get the chance I do recommend going to the Balloon Festival it was a great time.

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